2019. május 21., kedd

Úgy látszik, még maradni akar

This is a Hungarian hashtagprisondrawing from 2010. The artist is completely unknown. The guard next to the door says: "It seems he wants to stay longer!!!". There are a lot of symbolic representations on this drawing: counting days by handwritten lines on the wall, keyring and keys in the hands of the second guard, a single toilet, striped prison uniform, and the single lightbulb hanging in the middle of the cell. These symbols are very frequent in prison related cartoons and stereotypic pictures. There are other details on the picture as well. The cell door with the peephole and the food hatch is a piece of modern prison equipment. The uniform of the guards was typical 10 years ago in Hungary. The head of the dead prisoner is only a skull, this is also a frequent prison symbol. Small writing on the wall "I love you, Rozi" is a type of hashtagprisongraffiti used at most by detainees, however, the surname "Rozi" is not an often occurring female name amongst the relatives of Hungarian prisoners, it is rather a funny female name. From this point, it is easy to conclude that the creator of this funny picture was not a hashtagRomani person, he is rather a Hungarian who has a good insight into the system of the hashtagpainsofimprisonment, and insists to talk about it in a more understandable way.

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