2011. február 25., péntek

Adult content

This blog is for adults only. The first topic is the sexual deprivation, at this section you can see rude pornographic pictures which are sometimes quite graphic. This is the world of prison, you need mature personality to face the reality. Third, if you like to take responsibility, you need to change your mind first, and this is only possible, if you are mature, we are all responsible for the prisons.    

How did I get the pictures?

The pictures on this blog were made by:
- my students at the Hungarian Police College, Prison Department,
- or by myself.

Thematic prison art pictures

This blog contains thematic prison art pictures mainly from Hungarian prisons.
The categories are the following:
- sexual deprivation (publishing from 25. 02. 2011.)
- monsters and traumatization (publishing from 11. 04. 2011.)
- prison existence (publishing from 25. 07. 2011.)
- ethnic conflicts (publishing from 17.10.2011.)

Visitors can leave comments under the pictures. The comments will be analyzed. 

The pictures are also showed at several workshops like conferences, meetings, classes etc. During this sessions the students classify the pictures with a seven grade scale by certain targets like:
- aesthetic
- technic
- originality
- vulgarity
- psychopathological
- crime regarding
- prison likeliness
- deprivation
- cry for help
- self harm
- Hungarian
- universal
- typical prison
- scandalize
- Romani
- thug
- immanent
- self-representation
- communication
- aggression
- age estimation
- ancient


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103. kép szex-dep

102. kép szex-dep

101. kép szex-dep

100. kép szex-dep

99. kép szex-dep

98. kép szex-dep

Több, itt a blogon szereplő kép mellett ez az egyik legügyesebb, legegyedibb kép.

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94. kép szex-dep

Módos Tamás gyűjtése

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Módos Tamás gyűjtése

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Módos Tamás gyűjtése

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Módos Tamás gyűjtése

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Módos Tamás gyűjtése

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Porsche és a csaj (69. kép szex-dep)

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