2011. február 25., péntek

(Ancient erotic horror of imprisonment) 10. kép szex-dep

This picture was taken by myself in a Hungarian prison in an isolation cell. This is a pure symbol of the rude compensation of the sexual deprivation in the prison. Before analyzing this picture I try to define the setting of security or disciplinary isolation cells is prisons.
In the TV series OZ, they call they isolation cells "hole" or "pit", the same in the movie The Felon. In the movies the prisoners are not allowed to possess any items, they are kept in the isolation naked. The real life differs a bit. In Hungary and mostly in Europe as well the isolated prisoners are not naked, they have toilets in their cells, and they can have some items with themselves like books, photos of the relatives or sacred writings. As in the movies also in the real life the most troublesome inmates end up in the hole, because of severe breaching the prison rules like fighting, possession of drugs or other forbidden items, or sometimes they move to the solitary confinement because their need for protective custody. Off course detainees can be  troublesome in an active and in a passive way. Before isolation violence occurs between inmates or the prison staff uses force against the inmate. In some cases the prisoner himself commits self harm just to provoke the staff to be isolated. This latter can be interpreted as an escape from the malevolent surrounding. In the isolation the prisoners are deprived from the direct communication but sometimes they can leave messages. One art of leaving a message is prison graffiti. To study prison graffiti is useful for get information on the isolated inmates' feelings and urges. The most messages on the isolation cells' wall deal with retribution toward the prison staff, the police and the prison snitches (Hungarian: 'vamzer'). These messages are rude, i.e. they call the snitches fags (Hungarian: 'köcsög'). The aim of such messages is degrading.
In some cases the prisoners do not write messages for their foes on the walls of isolation cells. The second most frequent topic is the naming of loved ones. Prisoners write the names on the walls.
The third type of the graffiti is the symbolization of sexual deprivation. These pictures are rough, harsh and rude. Sometimes you can trace also some psychological retardation on the pictures. The main function of these pictures is a prompt deduction of tension.
In the isolation the inmates are not subjected to the permanent observation of the others. Therefore they can draw also taboo-like contents.
On the above picture you can notice the over-emphasizing on the female genitals. This the result of the mind focus. The deprivation in the multi-occupancy cells is on the same level, but the experience is not. In the dormitory units the prisoners are not alone, therefore they keep the distance from the direct formulation of their urges and needs. In the isolation they are released from this self monitoring of keeping distance, and they draw such painting on the wall.
This can be shocking for the outsiders. But this occurs also in the out-prison life. In some sanitation areas like common showers or public toilets you can notice the same ancient sexual drive on the wall.
The really naked truth of the human sexuality is a taboo in recent civilization. However due to the internet it is quite easy to reach. The pornographic pictures on the internet are naturalistic, but the above picture is not. Somehow it is naive, exaggerated and a bit also artistic. The same as the Venus of Willendorf, our most ancient cultural source.
Just a rhetorical question: can we witness the real ancient humanity in prisons or this is something else?                    

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